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HEALTHY SEAWEED New sustainable foods: health benefits of seaweed consumption

Alternativ tittel: SUNN TANG Ny bærekraftig mat: helsegevinsten av tang i kostholdet

Tildelt: kr 0,82 mill.




2020 - 2022

Midlene er mottatt fra:



Verdens befolkning har lenge vært på et kritisk punkt når det gjelder tilgangen til økologisk bærekraftige matressurser. For å oppfylle kravene til mat som er sunn både for verden og befolkningen, må ressursene utnyttes annerledes. Tang og tare er av de primære produsentene som i fotosyntesen benytter solenergi og CO2 til å syntetisere oksygen og sukker. Produksjon av tang kan dermed bidra negativt til verdens karbonbudsjett. Tang en dermed en bærekraftig matressurs som i tillegg har et stort potensiale for utvinning av næringsstoffer. Den norske regjeringen ønsker å utnytte nye matkilder med sunne fordeler som ikke påvirker miljøet i havet. I Healthy Seaweed-prosjektet kombinerer vi derfor havbruk og naturvitenskap i et miljø- og markedsrettet forskningsmiljø.

Our increasing world populations has long reached a critical point in regards to the demand for enlarged ecologically sustainable food resources. The increasing public awareness in regards to our earth environmental challenges has resulted in a search for alternative options. There is an increasing awareness of health and interest in alternative options for raw, vegetarian and vegan foods. In order to meet the requirements of healthy foods, meaning both for the planet and its inhabitants, there is a need to utilize the earth resources differently. Our oceans are taking up about 85 % of the planet. Seaweeds are one of the oceans primary photosynthetic producers that use the energy from the sun and convert CO2 to oxygen and carbon resources. In production, seaweeds contribute to a negative carbon budget while growing. Seaweeds also have a potential of sea purifying, taking up excessive nutrients from aquaculture such as salmon farms. In addition, seaweed (red, green and brown algae) have long been used as a food source especially in Asian food traditions. Thus, seaweeds are sustainable resource with a high potential for nutrients that requires research attention. Norway is known a forefront country in aquaculture in terms of technology, competence and export routes. The Norwegian government wish to exploit new food sources with healthy benefits which are not impacting the preservation of clean oceans. In the Healthy Seaweed project, we will combine aquaculture and natural science in an innovative and marked oriented research environment. The PhD candidate will provide the further link for reaching an optimized cultivation for healthy products from seaweeds in an industry oriented context.

