This project seeks to study global Islamic women organizations and the emerging transnational movement they
represent. These organizations are characterized by an opposition against what they perceive as feminism and
westernization and have a global pro-activeness that seek to produce emancipatory projects for women, beyond
Islamicate societies.
- How can we understand the phenomenon of transnational networks of Islamic women groups
and organizations and their anti-feminist discourse?
By studying their historical genealogy and contemporary discourse and praxis, this project will explore a) the intimate relationship that their anti-feminist paradigm has with their feminist counterparts, marked by proximity, ambiguity and opposition, b) the emancipatory project that this paradigm espouses on gender issues, c) the institutionalization processes of anti-feminist organizations and their transnational networks and d) the specific activities that these organizations engage in, in attempting to impact UN and EU initiatives both within the UN system and locally in their own societies, using the case of UN's Sustainable Goals 2030.
Based on a wide range of material consisting of fieldwork, literature produced by women affiliated with anti-feminist organizations, interviews with these women and relevant experts in the UN, as well as online material, this
project takes a holistic, interdisciplinary and phenomenological approach that take into account anti-feminists'
lived experiences shaped by their social, political, economic and religious realities. As countries worldwide seek to
fulfil the UN Sustainability Goals by 2030, examining their counter-discourse and how it relates to their local contexts
will be vital to understand both how anti-feminists may affect the efforts towards reaching these goals and
how these goals are received by an important segment of the society in their countries.
MSCA-TOPP-UT-Toppfinansiering av MSCA utgående kandidater