Formålet med iAPOGEE-programmet er å styrke utdannings- og forskningssamarbeid innen farmako- og genetisk epidemiologi i Norge. iAPOGEE ønsker å forene forskere som jobber med å forbedre dagens farmakoepidemiologiske studier, slik at vi kan bruke dem i mye større grad enn tidligere til å fremskaffe ny kunnskap om effekt og sikkerhet av legemidler i befolkningen.
Dette ønsker vi å gjøre å kombinere genetikk, kausale fortolkningsmetoder og epidemiologi med avanserte beregningsmetoder og klinisk ekspertise. iAPOGEE har et sterkt fokus på tverrfaglig teamarbeid, yngre fremdragende forskere, internasjonalisering, forskermobilitet, inspirerende læringsmiljø og internasjonalt lederskap.
iAPOGEE-initiativet er etablert i samarbeid med to verdensledende utdanningsprogram i epidemiologi og biostatistikk ved McGill universitetet i Canada og Universitetet i Bordeaux i Frankrike, ett ledende utdanningsprogram innen mor-barn helse i USA, og ett kommende forskningsmiljøer innen klinisk genetikk i Brasil. For å fremme internasjonalisering er samarbeid med andre sterke epidemiologiske fagmiljøer i Nederland, Danmark, og Italia også initiert.
The purpose of the iAPOGEE consortium is to enhance collaboration within education and research in pharmaco- and genetic epidemiology between the partner universities and institutions. By doing so, iAPOGEE will unite researchers who together will be able to move beyond conventional pharmacoepidemiological studies by combining novel, state-of-the-art molecular, quantitative genetic and causal inference methods with computational resources and clinical expertise, to improve our knowledge about effect and safety of pharmaceuticals in humans in the near future.
We believe that innovation and scientific renewal will emerge through a strong focus on interdisciplinary teamwork, career development, creating an inspiring learning environment and international leadership. Establishment of the iAPOGEE initiative in collaboration with two world-leading program in epidemiology and biostatistics at McGill and University of Bordeaux, one leading training program in teratology in the US, and a strong research environments in in clinical genetics in Brazil, is in line with this vision.
With the explosion of possibilities of combining epidemiological, bioinformatics and genetic technologies at an affordable cost, a new era of demand for novel integrative and interdisciplinary efforts has arisen. Ever so valuable, access to huge data sources alone will not bring the in depth knowledge about pharmaceuticals. To bridge this gap, it is essential to create international partnerships for world-class education and research.
In order to bring the PharmaTox Strategic Research Initiative/DrugsInPregnancy at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MN), University of Oslo (UiO) to the next level, our activities need to be strengthened in directions of methods in causal inference, pharmaceutical bioinformatics, teratology, and clinical genetics.