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Norway-EU Science Diplomacy Network: Science Diplomacy Strategy and Practice for Arctic, Russia, UN, and Ocean Policy

Tildelt: kr 1,0 mill.

Norway-EU Science Diplomacy Network bringer fremragende europæisk forskning i videnskabsdiplomati sammen med norsk forskning og praktis omkring Arktis, Rusland, hav og FN. EU Science Diplomacy Alliance (tidligere Cluster) repræsenterer tre H2020 projekter om videnskabsdiplomati, EL-CSID, S4D4C og InsSciDE. Videnskabsdiplomati er en integreret del af norsk udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik omkring Arktis, Rusland, hav og FN. Norway-EU Science Diplomacy Network er integreret i EU Science Diplomacy Alliance i almindelighed og InsSciDE i særdeleshed med sine norske partnere, UiT, Arctic Frontiers konference og SDG Science Advice UiB. Norway-EU Science Diplomacy Network afholdt to webinarer, som har præsenteret europæisk videnskabsdiplomatisk forskning og norske erfaringer på højt niveau inden for videnskabsdiplomati omkring Arktis, Rusland, hav og FN. 14 juni mødtes InsSciDE forskere og repræsentanter for UiT, Arctic Frontiers og SDG Science Advice UiB i InsSciDE teoriseminar, hvor norske videnskabsdiplomatiske erfaringer på højt niveau omkring Rusland, Arktis, hav og FN blev præsenteret og diskuteret. 21-25 juni afholdt InsSciDE Warsaw Science Diplomacy sommerkursus for 24 højtkvalificerede unge forskere og videnskabsdiplomatipraktikere fra hele verden. Del af kursus var panel, hvor InsSciDE forskning og norske videnskabsdiplomatiske erfaringer blev præsenteret og diskuteret med kursister. UiT, Arctic Frontiers, SDG Science Advice UiB deltog. Ny UiT rektor (tidligere UiB rektor) Dag Rune Olsen præsenterede sine erfaringer og visioner for universiteters videnskabsdiplomatiske arbejde.


This project builds a long-term Norway-EU Science Diplomacy Network to support Norwegian and EU research and strategy on science diplomacy. The Norway-EU Science Diplomacy Network will bring together Norwegian science diplomacy practitioners from government, academia, civil society, indigenous peoples' organisations, and social partners (employers and labor) with European Science Diplomacy Cluster scholars, and EU institutions engaged in science diplomacy, Arctic, Russia, UN, and ocean policy. The Network will start out with webinars (2021) and transition to hybrid online and in-person meetings at sessions at the Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromsø (2022, 2023), Arendalsuka (2022), and a Brussels seminar (2022). Science diplomacy is the use of scientific research and higher education for foreign and security policy purposes. There is a long historical record of such use of research and higher education by both state and non-state actors. In recent years, the term science diplomacy has gained much attention in scholarly and policy circles, which should not be confused with recent occurrence, as science diplomacy as practice has a long record. The European Union and its member-states are one of the biggest economic, regulatory, scientific and security actors in the world with worldwide presence and reach. European nations have centuries of global engagement, and European science, culture, languages, education, etc., has penetrated and shaped large parts of the world. The European Union therefore seeks a deep theoretical and strategic understanding of the use and potential of science diplomacy for its global role based on historical research. This theoretical and strategic understanding is pursued through the Cluster. Norway uses science diplomacy extensively in its High North policy. The Arctic is Norway's most important foreign and security policy area. Norway also uses science diplomacy extensively in its global UN and ocean policy.


