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DEMO2000-Prosj.ret tekn.utv. petro.virk

eVXT next generation subsea

Alternativ tittel: eVXT neste generasjon subsea ventiltre

Tildelt: kr 16,0 mill.





2021 - 2024



I petroleumssektoren er det et økende globalt fokus på teknologier som vil bidra til reduserte miljøfotavtrykk, reduserte totale installerte kostnader og for å øke bruken av digital teknologi for kostnadsbesparelser. Dette gjelder både i produksjonsfasen og driftsfasen. Utviklingen og arbeidspakkene som beskrives, regnes som den siste lukkingen av gap og dekker det neste og viktigste trinnet mot full elektrifisering av et undersjøisk produksjonssystem. Det elektriske ventiltre (XT) vil bidra på følgende måter: - Ingen utslipp av hydrauliske væsker til sjøvann - Systemløsning vil forbedre HMS og redusere CO2 -utslipp - Kostnadsreduksjon gjennom design for en standard plattform, lange avstander, dypt vann, vanninjeksjon, olje og gassfelt - Økt bruk av digital teknologi, potensial for kostnadsreduksjon både i produksjons- og driftsfasen - Subsea elektrisk XT er ideell for ubemannede plattformer, det er bl.a. ingen HPU å vedlikeholde


This application covers development and qualification of a subsea all electric VXT Applications so far have covered a limited part of the subsea system, the non-safety critical valves. Over the years, several concepts and attempts have addressed the safety critical functionality; hybrid electrohydraulic concepts, distributed all-electric concepts with redundant local batteries, etc. It is only lately, fueled by developments in other industries, that core technology, safety solution and customer acceptance has been granted, resulting in a concept that is cost effective compared with todays system, without taking infrastructure simplifications into account. This application will build onto the development performed and demonstration on a component level in the ongoing “all-electric” JIP, being executed in collaboration with Chevron, Equinor and Total. This collaboration has contributed to secured a global acceptance for the proposed technologies. The development program covered by this application will include R&D and certification activities, engineering for design and manufacture and a final EFAT of a complete “all-electric” subsea XT system, later denoted eXT. This comprises: - Final qualification of a battery powered software based control and safety system according to SIL 2, with final validation and verification. This shall meet the requirements of a global market. - Final Certification activities towards the requirements of Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) - Building of a standardized modular design eXT compliant with NCS requirements - Full EFAT of the eXT - System test towards new all electric downhole equipment for safety valves - Demonstration of the enhancements in digital monitoring this technology offers It is the intention that the eXT following the testing will be refurbished and installed as the first unit in a producing subsea field where the all-electric advantages are utilized. Deliverable is a fully configured eXT.


DEMO2000-Prosj.ret tekn.utv. petro.virk