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Norway benefiting from Ontological Translation Environment

Alternativ tittel: Norway benefiting from Ontological Translation Environment

Tildelt: kr 0,80 mill.

OntoTrans (www.ontotrans.eu) tilbyr et ontologibasert åpent oversettelsesmiljø. Implementert Artificial Intelligence metoden gjør det mulig for sluttbrukere å representere i en standard ontologisk form sine produksjonsprosessutfordringer og koble dem med relevante informasjonskilder og materialmodelleringsløsninger, som er i stand til å støtte optimalt materiale og prosessdesign. NOTE-prosjektet vil være avhengig av workshops og praktiske aktiviteter for å spre kunnskapen og demonstrere anvendeligheten til OntoTrans-konsepter og -verktøy for norsk industri.

NOTE project has relied on meetings, conferences, and discussions to disseminate and demonstrate the applicability of OntoTrans to the Norwegian industry. This activity has helped build competences internally and made several industrial partners aware of these technologies. The development and application of ontologies is not an easy task and NOTE project has promoted examples relevant for the targeted industries. A significant part of the communication has been focused on data documentation toward semantic interoperability as it has been identified by the team as a key enabler. The impact of the OntoTrans project is directly related to the adoption of its services and recommendations. Therefore, NOTE has actively communicated on the challenges and benefits and presented actions to lower the barriers and facilitate implementation by the partners from business case to integration of the OTE. Two demonstrators (manufacturing and marine applications) were developed and will be utilised in the future to further promote this approach. The ideas and concepts developed in OntoTrans have also been incorporated into new project applications at national and international levels.

The integration of ontological descriptions and applications of the Translation process developed by the EMMC (European Material Modelling Council) is a complex interdisciplinary task that needs time to mature in the organizations. It is therefore essential to have an overlap between the EU funded project and the support action for Norwegian partners. The successful adoption of a new digital platform such as OntoTrans requires transfer of knowledge from different communities and a preliminary learning phase in the industry. NOTE will rely on workshops and hands-on activities to disseminate the knowledge and demonstrate the applicability of OntoTrans concepts and tools to the Norwegian industry. The first phase of the project will be focused on 1) the theory behind ontological translation of innovation, and 2) the software tools developed to facilitate innovation. The workshops will be open for all interested parties. The costs are connected to rent of premises, meals and organisation of the meetings. The external participants are expected to cover travel costs. In addition, the team will try to establish contact with less active companies by visiting industries on their premises for a first contact and short presentation. The second phase will focus on the application and demonstration of the concepts. The core idea is to have close interactions through several short video meetings and two physical seminars over a long period of time with selected industries. Each industry segment will define a relevant user case sufficiently close to business, but without constraints on confidentiality, to be able to share the results openly with the rest of the community. The methodology and tools of OntoTrans will be applied to each user case to build simple demonstrators. This phase will include a hackathon where the team will assist Norwegian industry in using the Open Translation Environment (OTE).

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