Målet med dette prosjektet er å utnytte kvantefysikkens lover til å definere en ny type sensorer basert på mekanisk bevegelse. Prosjektet vil muliggjøre sensorer som kan prestere bedre enn eksisterende sensorer basert på klassisk fysikk. Arbeidet vil fokusere på tre ulike plattformer: karbon-nanorør, piezo-elektriske resonatorer og optomekaniske systemer. Hvert av disse systemene vil dekke ulike frekvensregimer og passe til ulike målinger innen felt fra materialvitenskap til gravitasjonsfysikk. En stor del av arbeidet vil vies til teoretiske aspekter ved hvordan disse systemene kan prestere bedre enn klassiske systemer, som vil kreve utvikling av metoder for å generere og karakterisere kvantetilstander for mekanisk bevegelse.
The major part of the project, including work packages (WP) 1, 2, and parts of 3, falls under the area of Quantum information sciences, specifically “Novel sources of non-classical states and methods to engineer such states” and “Methods for the reconstruction and estimation of complex quantum states or channels and certification of their properties.” WP 3 mostly falls under the area of Quantum metrology sensing and imaging, specifically the “Use of quantum properties” for force sensing and “Development of detection schemes that are optimised with respect to extracting relevant information from physical systems.” One of the main goals of the project is to establish methods to create and characterize non-classical states in mechanical resonators. Quantum control of such systems and their usage as quantum resources is still very much in its early days. In aspects ranging from hardware performance to theoretical understanding, there is significant room for development. Furthermore, the reconstruction and estimation of quantum states and their properties is directly linked to extracting useful information from quantum sensors like the ones we aim to build. The complexity of solid-state mechanical systems and their environments makes this process an especially interesting challenge that we hope to tackle.