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FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

Good Fire: An Environmental History of Prescribed Burning in Norway and the North

Alternativ tittel: Good Fire: En miljøhistorie med brenning for arealforvaltning i Norge og nord

Tildelt: kr 8,0 mill.

Good Fire er miljøhistorisk prosjekt om håndtering av skogbrann. Etter hvert som skogbrannene blir større og mer intense i den boreale sonen, har Norge og andre land begynt å eksperimentere med «Prescribed Fire» (for eks., bråtebrenning, flatebrenning, eller lyngbrenning) for å kontrollere skogbrann. På landsbygda og i fjellet er det lange tradisjoner med brenning av hensyn til landbruk, skogbruk, sikkerhet og estetiske forhold. Good Fire undersøker brenningens historie i Norge og det boreale nord, herunder Skandinavia og Nord-Canada. Prosjektet utforsker hvordan forholdet mellom skogbrann og arealforvaltning har utviklet gjennom tiden.

As the climate warms, wildfires are becoming larger and more intense. In 2021, half a million hectares burned in Europe, with a clearly observable trend toward fast-spreading “mega-fires” over which traditional firefighting has little power. In many parts of the world, prescribed burns offer a potential solution. Experts claim prescribed burns can knock down out-of-control blazes by consuming excess fuels during cooler and wetter times of the year. In 2021, places like the Sycan Marsh Preserve in southern Oregon are cited as examples: The Bootleg fire ripped through 167,445 hectares and destroyed 408 houses but moved around areas where Klamath Tribes treat the ponderosa pine ecologies with prescribed burns each spring. Scientific studies support these anecdotal examples, suggesting that many of the world’s ecosystems require fire for optimal function. In these fire ecologies, prescribed burns are offered as a cure to reduce the impact of future catastrophes. Norway and other Scandinavian states have begun experimenting with prescribed fire based on North American models. Land stewards in rural and mountain regions have a long history of intentionally burning forests for agricultural, aesthetic, forestry, and safety purposes. Good Fire examines the history of prescribed burning in the Norway and the boreal north, including Scandinavia and northern Canada. The project asks whether fire suppression accurately characterizes twentieth century landscape management practices and traces the roots of modern megafires to a complex collection of landscape management practices extending well beyond wildfire prevention policy.


FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte


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