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FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

Engaging intracellular immunity to eradicate neurodegenerative disease

Alternativ tittel: Utnyttelse av intracellulær immunitet for å utrydde neurodegenerativ sykdom

Tildelt: kr 8,0 mill.

Antistoffer er kroppens fotsoldater mot infeksjonssykdommer. I tillegg benyttes de i stort omfang som målrettet terapi mot en rekke sykdommer. I dette forskningsprosjektet skal vi studere biologiske mekanismer for å avdekke hvordan antistoffer beskytter oss på innsiden av cellene våre. Denne kunnskapen om sammenhengen mellom antistoffers struktur og funksjon skal utnyttes til å designe skreddersydde og langtidsvirkende antistoffer rettet mot behandling av demens. Målet med prosjektet er å oppnå en dyptpløyende og grundig forståelse av hvordan antistoffer kan beskytte oss mot nevrologisk cellulær skade. Molekylær og cellulær innsikt vil videre gi grunnlag for design av helt nye antistoffvarianter, som i det lange løp vil kunne gi nye legemiddelkandidater rettet mot demens, men også infeksjonssykdommer.

Dementia, of which Alzheimer`s disease is the most common cause, affects nearly 50 million people worldwide, with numbers expected to increase. Thus, there is an urgent need for new treatment options to combat neurodegenerative disorders. Alzheimer's disease is characterized by accumulation of extracellular beta-amyloid plaque and self-propagating intracellular aggregates of tau protein. Following disappointing clinical trials targeting beta-amyloid, attention has now shifted towards targeting of tau. This is supported by pre-clinical results demonstrating that passive transfer of anti-tau antibodies reduce spreading of intracellular tau aggregation and improves neurological function. However, the mechanism by which these antibodies offer protection is unknown. In collaboration with international partners, I have designed monoclonal antibodies that for the very first time show that this process is dependent on an intracellular receptor, TRIM21. In addition, I have unpublished data on how antibodies can be engineered for improved receptor engagement. As such, I here seek funding for a Researcher Project for Young Talents where I will fully explore this biology with the aim to take a quantum leap in our understanding of intracellular antibody-mediated immunity in the context of neurodegenerative diseases. The in-depth molecular and cellular knowledge obtained will be translated into design of antibodies with tailored mode-of-action. This will be done by combining unique biochemical and cellular assays with studies in state-of-the-art mouse models. The project bridges cutting-edge research with innovative strategies that may pave the way for establishment of new biomedical technologies to combat neurological disorders.


FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte
