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E!1538 3D BirdEye

Alternativ tittel: 3D BirdEye

Tildelt: kr 5,8 mill.

Droner brukes i økende grad i krise- og beredskapssituasjoner. Katastrofe- og beredskapsledere må ofte ta raske og kvalifiserte beslutninger. De trenger riktig informasjon, ofte i form av sanntidsvideo eller, etter naturkatastrofer, i stigende grad bruk av 3D terrengmodellering. Video krever normalt en høy bitrate for streaming (som 2-5 Mbits/s), noe som ofte er en utfordring under vanskelige nettverksforhold. I dag tar det vanligvis timer å lage 3D-modeller fra video. 3D-BirdEye-løsningen har endret dette dramatisk ved å utvikle en integrert prosess med videostreaming i HD med hastigheter ned til bare 200 kbps – en reduksjon på 95 % – og gi 3D-video i sanntid til beslutningstakere. De Forente Nasjoner (UNOSAT) og The International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) er referanse for 3D-BirdEye som tar sikte på å redusere skader fra katastrofer ved å gi raskere respons i kritiske situasjoner. UNOSAT er engasjert i klimatiltak og håndtering av natur- og menneskeskapte katastrofer. 3D-BirdEye har laget en softwareløsning som: 1. Kommuniserer geospatial HD-video via svært lav båndbredde via satellitt eller bakkenett slik at droner kan operere utenfor det begrensede området for lokal radio, og 2. på mottakersiden, lokalt eller fjernoperert, i nær sanntid å gi 3D fugleperspektiv med terrengmodell video. Ved å revolusjonere måten vi lager 3D-video fra droner på så vil situasjonsforståelsen for brukerne bli betydelig bedret. Sluttproduktet er en skybasert nettplattform som kan selges som Software-as-as-Service (SaaS).

The overall objective has been met, both the technical achievements and the involvement of relevant user groups. Technical: While providing situational awareness in the past was technically and operationally cumbersome, 3D BirdEye has developed a solution overcoming low bandwidth communication issues and turning offline mapping processes into real time processing. With 3D BirdEye, decisions are faster, based also on relevant imagery as pilots may be guided in real-time. Flying UAVs beyond the limited reach of local radio links, satellite connections are needed as terrestrial cellular networks do not guarantee stable aerial coverage everywhere and at altitudes. But satcom is highly bandwidth-limited, hence particularly optimized solutions have been implemented for maintaining high resolution video streams as the basis for the modelling. The 3D models are continuously and instantly updated, showing e.g. landscapes, buildings and cars. Measurements can be done (like if it possible to pass with a truck between collapsed buildings) and stereoscopic viewing is made for more detailed manual interpretations. The combining of the partners technologies has been done by the implementation of full SDKs while optimalization in the overall solution and use has been done by joint testing and incremental improvements. We believe the current solution is well beyond the current state-of-the-art. End user involvement: The project has worked with several user groups for the requirements, testing and possible use of the project results. Notably, the culmination of our efforts was showcased at 1) the large UN Humanitarian Networking and Partnership Week (HNPW) event in May 2024 with INSARAG (The International Search and Rescue Advisory Group) and 2) the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Programme (WASP), also in May 2024 at Vestervik/Sweden. The combined efforts of the 3D-project partners (AnsuR with live video streaming, and I-CONIC AB with mapping technologies), demonstration the practical applications and effectiveness of our innovations in a real-world setting, attracting significant attention and interest from attendees. A popular presentation of the result of 3D BirdEye can be seen in the below video. The scenes are from real UAV flights and processing by partners combined efforts of the 3D BirdEye software at the WARA-PS event in Sweden. https://youtu.be/jZ006DFawZc?si=b8-4lI3I6KsnlY6g Also, a 3D BirdEye Product Sheet is available here: https://support.asmira.video/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/3D-BirdEye-Product-Sheet-May-2024.pdf. Financial indicators: The pricing and market introduction has started and the results of the project and market efforts are expected to give results in the coming years.

The project is rooted in the Eurostars 1538 3D BirdEye The project will develop a new operational solution for the target rapid response market. By combining cutting-edge technologies from AnsuR and I-CONIC, our solution is well beyond the current state-of-the-art. Today, the building of 3D models with in-situ input typically take hours. We will develop asolution where we process and deliver 3D in real-time to remote analysts and decision-makers, even if they are in the field. The features include: -- Capture and real-time communication of video streams from UAVs, even on lowbandwidth networks including satellite. -- Instant updates of 3D models of target area (landscape, buildings, etc) -- Instant measurements (volume, distance, slope, etc) -- 3D coordinates of moving objects -- Stereoscopic viewing for enhanced manual interpretation. The technical development is disruptive, evolutionary and incremental. The main advances are: -- Real-time 3D stereo viewing. This does not exist on the market today -- 10x more effective video streaming that is adaptive, network resilient and error free -- 3x more effective networking over multi-hop/link wireless links -- Ability to pro-actively connect satellite communication before another link break -- Combine Satcom with terrestrial networks for cyber-security purposes -- 3D processing more than 100x faster than industry standard The solution will be offered as a platform that can be provided online and sold as Software-as-as-Service (Saas)
