The digital transformation is irreversible, rapid and has changed much over the past decade. Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) bring innovative digital opportunities. In this context, the SAIDD 2023 Symposium provides a remarkable opportunity to share novel ideas, discuss future research directions and create opportunities for collaboration in the large regional, national and international societal challenges. SAIDD 2023 is a two-day event with a three-fold perspective, representing the views and activities of the Policy, Industry and Research/Academia sectors. Invited keynote speakers from these sectors set the scene with important facts and prospects, and a number of selected participants provide key contributions in the form of position papers and 5-minute ‘lightning talks’ on defining and addressing the key challenges in this field, and a concluding joint panel discussion focusing on future directions.The symposium will be hosted by Vestlandsforsking on 9 - 10 May 2023 and will take place in Sogndal.