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EUROSTARS PES - Next Generation Snow and Water Surveillance System

Tildelt: kr 99 999

The partners, Intoto (NO), Wegaw (CH) and Deltares (NL), will deliver a next generation snow and water surveillance system, applying novel sensors and extracting synergies between satellite data and in-situ data. The need to enhance hydropower regulation capability is crucial as new challenges and opportunities arise with more dynamic operating patterns due to more variable power and increased demand for flexibility in Europe. Starting from a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 4 based on input from all project participants (where the “weakest link” decides the maturity of the system), our ambition is to reach TRL 6/7 during the project period for a combined system. A business development effort will take place in parallel, anchoring the overall upscaling and commercialization journey.



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