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MAT-SLF-Matprogr.:Prosj.fullfin.av SLF

Patogeners dynamikk langs verdikjeden

Awarded: NOK 0.73 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2012 - 2016



Partner countries:

Totally, 6 main studies and 3 pilot studies were performed. WP 1: Quantitative analysis of bacterial dynamics along the value chain. For cattle, the main study was conducted in an abattoir west of Norway, in January 2013. Higher E. coli values were found on the hides of dirty animals than clean animals, but the results later on the slaughter line, after skinning and before chilling, were not significantly higher. The board "Fagråd for skitne dyr" in the meat industry asked for similar experiment in another slaughterhouse. It was performed in February 2014 in an abattoir in the east of Norway. The results were the same; generally very low E. coli levels and minimal difference of end products between dirty and pure animals. "Fagråd for skitne dyr" recommended changes in the National guidelines for hygienic slauhgter, and the changes were adpoted by Bransjestyret (the Industry Board). An article was published in Int.J. Food Microbiology vol. 214 in 2015. For sheep, an scientific article was published in Int.J. Food Microbiology 194 in 2015. The study results showed that shearing before slaughter reduces surface contamination of skinned carcasses significantly. Carcasses from unshorn animals can reduce contamination down at the level of shorn animals, using either steam vacuum treatment or hot water pasteurisation. In addition, there was an effect of chilling/drying of carcass surfaces. The results indicate that steam vacuum and hot water pasteurisation can replace the system of separate production lines for unshorn sheep. Edible by products (hearts and diaphragms used in dry cured sausage): Following a pilot study in two abattoirs, the main study was conducted. Effect of steam / hot water treatment, cooling in cold water and freezing was investigated. Very few studies are published in this field. A study of steaming lamb hearts in an abattoir in northwest of Norway was conducted in September 2014. The results showed a positive effect of the steam treatment of lamb hearts. An article/short communication is in progress. A poster were presented at the ICOMST congress in Uruguay in August 2014 and on the IAFP congress in Cardiff in April 2015. Comparison of two E. coli analysis methods with Simplate and petri film (new / old method) was carried out with samples from pig and sheep carcasses. The methods gave similar results. An article is in progress. WP 2: Qualitative analysis. Samples from WP1 was sent to Nofima for PCR analysis (cattle and sheep samples) and MLST analysis of E. coli colonies (only sheep samples). The analyzes are time consuming and costly. It is difficult to get clear results from such a limited number of samples, but for sheep, we can see a trend that untreated slaughter had greater variety of bacteria before chilling, but after chilling it was less variety and greater extent E. coli. 15 E. coli profiles were described and none were pathogenic. There are larger proportion of E. coli in dirty than clean animals. WP 3: Benefit-cost analysis. The National guidelines for hygienic quality involves self-imposed measures introduced 8 years ago by an overall meat industry. It was studied whether the use of resources are relative to the effect on food safety and reputation. Interviews by telephone were conducted with selected group of people in the meat industry. They were asked about the system of separate production streams and financial aspects of managing risk carcasses, as well as views on deduction for farmers who deliver dirty cattle for slaughter. There is considerable variation in extra costs (0.25 to 1.40 NOK / kg) for dirty animals depending on operating / type slaughter line. A vast majority of the industry wants to keep the system. It will not be written a scientific article, but be used in practical advice for the meat industry. WP 4: Consumer / Customer Satisfaction Survey Customer survey was conducted in January-February 2015. It was a market survey which had the form of an auction game among buyers in the value chain, which were presented three scenarios of available meat of varying quality with different proportion "risk carcasses" and they submit bids. The investigation went over 3 days. The results showed that there was little price effects, which is consistent with the expected effects in the markets for meat commodity provided various scenarios for amount of "auction" and that buyers demand relatively fixed amount. It was concluded that there are no "health fear" in prices from auction. The project is featured in Go'Mørning No. 2/2012, 1/2013, 1/2015, 2/2015, 3/2015 and in Norsk Landbruk no. 9/2012 and 2015. It was completed a final seminar March 18, 2015 at Måltidets Hus in Stavanger, where the results were presented to 50 participants from the FSA, the meat industry, research, etc. Evaluation of the meeting gave 4.2 to 1.0 score which was the poorest and 5.0 was the best. This seminar was presented in the magazines Norsk Landbruk, Kjøttbransjen og GoMørning.

Prosjektet vil studere sykdomsfremkallende bakteriers dynamikk i verdikjeden til kjøttproduksjon, og spesielt aspekter i forhold til bransjeretningslinjene, folkehelse og nytte-kostnadsanalyse. Det vil benyttes både klassiske metoder for bakterieanalyse r, nye hurtigmetoder som kan brukes i slakteriene og moderne metoder basert på DNA-sekvensiering. Kjøttbransjen innførte bransjeretningslinjer for hygienisk råvarekvalitet (todelt varestrøm) i 2006. Det innebærer at råstoff som er håndtert etter de beste hygieniske prinsippene benyttes til produkter med høyest risiko (ready-to-eat produkter som f. eks. spekemat). Bransjestyret har vedtatt at disse bransjeretningslinjene skal evalueres. De er selvpålagte og meget ressurskrevende tiltak, som er implementer t ved hjelp av slakterienes HACCP-systemer. Det trengs dokumentasjon på hvilken effekt de har mhp mattrygghet og omdømme. EUs Forordning Hygienepakken ble gjort gjeldende i Norge våren 2010. En viktig grunnpilar for det nye regelverket er overføring av arbeidsoppgaver og ansvar for mattryggheten fra tilsyn til bransje. Prosjektet må også ses i sammenheng med at Mattilsynet og kjøttbransjen er i ferd med å etablere et prosjekt der man sammen skal finne former for framtidas kjøttkontroll og der bransjelø sninger kan være et viktig bidrag til effektiv risikohåndtering. Hygienepakken åpner også for varmtvannspasteurisering (> 80 °C vanntemp.) for dekontaminering av slakt og biprodukter. En evaluering inkludert nyttekostnadsanalyse vil gjennomføres. Prosjek tet skal også videreutvikle metodikk for nytte-kostnadsanalyse for helserisiko i mat og evaluere todelt varestrøm og varmtvannspasteurisering med den nye metodikken. Omdømme-undersøkelser og forbrukerundersøkelser vil også bli gjennomført. NB! Prosjektet er planlagt med oppstart 1. mai 2011. Det er mulig å forskyve oppstart av prosjektet noen måneder hvis det er ønskelig fra FFL/JA.

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MAT-SLF-Matprogr.:Prosj.fullfin.av SLF