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AAL-Active and Assisted Living Research and Development Programme

AAL - Game-based mobility training and motivation of senior citizens

Awarded: NOK 3.1 mill.

The objectives of GameUp has been to contribute to the elderlies' abilities to manage themselves at home for longer by using exergames and motivation for increased physical activities. Most of existing exergames are made for a much younger audience with a too high speed, too much information at the time on the screen, colours that do not give sufficient contrast for the elderly, and the games are also not adapted to the physical conditions of the elderly. In the project we have developed exergames and gamified exercise apps that are suitable for elderly, and that also have good exercises for this target group. The exercises are developed with security, particularly fall risk, in mind. A user group was established by a congregation in the beginning of the project, and they have met biweekly throughout the project. They have played several commercial Microsoft Kinect games. This gave valuable input to the requirements. Later, through user centred design, they have contributed to the development of the exergames in the project by giving feedback to colours, menus, graphics, sound, speed, etc. In addition we have been able to observe how they manage the games and apps. Early in the project a physiotherapist defined good exercises for the target group, and a set of Kinect-apps were developed for these exercises. Based on this experience an apple picking game that is good for balance was developed. The game can be played in several levels where both speed and distance the players should move can be adjusted. The game can also be played seated. Both the game and menus have been changed a lot based on user feedback. An app for Fitbit step counter was developed by the University of Seville where both personal and group goals can be defined. The users tried the step counter at home in a lab test, and the app was refined based on the experiences. A professional portal was also developed by our Spanish partners. Here it is possible to register users and enter their start level and personal goals, and possibly also include them in a group. To get more variation, there are now seven minigames that together comprise the game FarmUp. The theme is farming. The seven minigames can be combined in different ways, and the length and level can be changed for each minigame. A 15 minutes long version is being tried out at Kliniken Valens in Switzerland, and the Norwegian user group has both tried a 4,5 minutes program consisting of five of the minigames and a 12 minutes program consisting of all the minigames. The project group is now looking at possibilities for commercialising the product.

Mobility problems are very common for elderly people, and a low self-efficacy (people's belief in their own competence) leads to reduced mobility and higher risk of falling that can ultimately lead to lower mobility, reduced quality of life and limitation s in everyday activities and social participation. This is a vicious circle since physical exercise is important to maintain mobility and reduce risk of falling. In Norway we have long winters with roads covered with snow and ice, which makes the situatio n even worse. In GameUp, we will apply technologies that have been shown to be effective to modify behaviours and motivate: persuasive technologies, serious games and social computing. We will use these technologies to promote mobility by encouraging eld erly persons to be more physical active and motivating them to move more by increasing their self-efficacy. We will develop a platform for social and exercise games to reduce physical and motivational barriers of elderly people's mobility. Using low cost motion sensors, we will develop exercise games designed to enhance mobility. Motivational games will provide personalized information and motivational tips adapted to the individual user's unique physical and cognitive situation. The platform will be deve loped using easy-to-use commercial modules and products (e.g TV set-top-box5, Android Tablets, motion sensors) in order to facilitate bringing the idea to the market shortly after the project is finished. The project both has a strategy for service and b usiness models. Norway is represented with research, business and user partners, and are leading two out of five work packages; 'Ecosystem of mobility games' and 'Dissemination and exploitation'.

Funding scheme:

AAL-Active and Assisted Living Research and Development Programme

Thematic Areas and Topics

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