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MAT-SLF-Matprogr.:Prosj.fullfin.av SLF

Smakfulle produkter av sau og lam: bedre råvareutnyttelse og økt merverdi

Awarded: NOK 4.0 mill.

Project Number:


Project Period:

2013 - 2017



Partner countries:

The main purpose of the project was to increase the value and appreciation of lamb and mutton through increased animal welfare and increased meat quality and product quality. This was sought achieved by three secondary goals: 1) Establish council on animal management prior to transport and slaughter, with the purpose to increase animal welfare and more stable meat quality. 2) Understand the variation of taste in sheep meat and develop new taste profiles for both fresh and cured products. 3) Obtain a stable and good binding in fenarull through correct management of raw material and process. Both subjective and objective measurements of animal welfare indicators of lamb with various degree of restitution prior to transport, has been performed in the project. Observations of the animals when fenced in after gathering from the mountain and prior to transport show that the animals are hungry. Blood values confirm this observation. Results from the project show clear differences in fasting- and stress indicators in the blood samples between the restituted animals and the non-restituted animals. There was however, no significant difference in ultimate pH in the meat between the groups, and it seems the Norwegian lamb are quite robust to withstand hard physical strain. The only significant difference, that may have an impact on meat quality, between the restitution groups in the Småfesmak project, was the residual glycogen values. This was higher in the restitution group. A professional sensory panel performed sensory analysis on sirloin with high and low values of residual glycogen. There were significant, but small, differences in the aroma intensity and juiciness. Except from this, no other significant differences were found between lamb meat with low and high residual glycogen values. Besides this, Animalia has mapped the practice of animal gathering from the mountain and management prior to transport through an online interview of 1275 producers. In order to better understand the variation of taste in sheep meat and to develop new products, it was necessary to map the sensory differences between animals of various age, various fat content and the individual variation. Results from the project show it will always be a certain degree of variation in raw material from meat which cause a challenge when performing sensory analysis. A trained sensory panel will find significant differences between meat form lamb and mutton, although the differences are small. If given to consumers in a blind test, the differences will decrease or be insignificant. Results from a consumer test prove that consumers have low expectation towards products from mutton meat, and this will affect the taste experience negatively. There is a large potential to improve the reputation of meat from mutton through positive communication and new products. The project had a successful workshop in Førde with the local high school, Gastronomic Institute and the project participants, where exciting new products made from mutton meat were presented. Much time and effort has been put into the development of new taste profiles for cured lamb products. Fårepølse has been used as a model product in the screening process of testing new flavors, as fenalår is a much more time consuming product to make. After the completion of consumer tests and in-house sensory analysis, a few flavors were selected to be used for flavored fenalår. Based on the results in this project, it is highly likely that flavored fenalår and other new products from sheep will be launched. Several parameters and their effect on binding in fenarull have been investigated in this project. The most important ones were salting before or after meshing, the addition of transglutaminase, automatic mesh tighter, pressure of fenarull at different stages in process, prepping of meat and adding salt prior to meshing. Of all the parameters looked into, there are two in particular that seem most promising: Automatic mesh tighter and pressing the fenarull as early as possible after the smoking process. Producing with these parameters resulted in less hollow areas and cracks in the finished product, and a more even quality product. These parameters have already been implemented in the industry. The effect of raw material on production time has been mapped, and results show it is important to sort the raw material in regards to fat classification and weight prior to the salting process in order to obtain an even progress in production and end result, on a batch level. It was also desired to investigate the effect, and to establish a process procedure, of the use of the enzyme transglutaminase in the fenarull production process. This was tested both in a pilot test and an industrial test, and the conclusion is very clear that transglutaminase does not improve the binding of lamb-or mutton meat, and it is strongly recommended not to use this as a processing aid.

Prosjektet SMÅFESMAK adresserer utfordrende elementer som forplanter seg gjennom hele verdikjeden av kjøttproduksjon av sau. Bedre håndtering og dyrevelferd før inntransport, vil gi økt og jevnere kvalitet av slakt. Utvikling av tilpassede smaksprofiler o g prosessforbedringer vil bidra til å øke omsetningen av sauelår, som i for stor grad blir liggende på fryselager. Slik ønsker en å opprettholde og styrke norsk lammekjøtts omdømme, utnytte råvaren på en bedre måte, og skape merverdi for lam og spesielt f or sauekjøtt. Dette vil styrke grunnlaget for økt sauehold i Norge, med de gevinster det har for kulturlandskapet. Langtidsstress er uheldig for både dyrevelferden og kjøttkvalitet. Det skal undersøkes hvordan sanking, skilling og transport påvirker stre ssindikatorer i blod og slakt, og videre korrigerende tiltak som er nødvendig for å restituere dyrene før slakting. Slaktene fra ulike håndteringsgrupper skal videre brukes i studier av produktenes mørhet, innhold av antioksidanter og sensorikk. Det skal utvikles smaksprofiler for ferske og spekede produkter av lam og sau. Forståelse av smaksvariasjon i lam- og sauekjøtt vil bli grunnlag for utvikling av smakfulle produkter tilpasset forbrukersegmenter. Metodiske tilnærminger vil være sensorisk profileri ng, forbrukertester og utvikling av nye smaker spesielt tilpasset lam og sau. Norsk spekematbransje etterspør kunnskap og teknologi som kan løse bransjens utfordringer med å få stabil og god binding i utbeinet spekemat som fenarull. Mikrobiell transgluta minase skal utprøves i prosjektet, med ulikt råstoff og varierende tilskjæring, pressing og tromling. Nortura har som mål å ta i bruk resultatene fra prosjektet så raskt som mulig for å ta ut gevinster innen dyrevelferd, kjøtt- og produktkvalitet, omsetn ing og kostnadsreduksjon. Alle ledd i Nortura vil være involvert i prosjektet, i tillegg Animalia, Nofima og UMB, samt finske og spanske forskningsmiljø, som FoU-leverandører.

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Funding scheme:

MAT-SLF-Matprogr.:Prosj.fullfin.av SLF