Digital transformation is an inevitable process that encompasses any business, requiring a proactive attitude and willingness to change. The COVID-19 pandemic context highlighted the relevance of this, through an increased awareness and fast implementation of digital routines and tools for working life. Manufacturing industry, both in Norway and abroad, is in the undergoing a highly intensive period of development and utilization of new technology. This period is often denominated as Industry 4.0, and it is characterized by the use of technologies such as robots, digital twins, artificial intelligence, and virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) to elevate production efficiency to a higher level. The many changes and a high rate of innovation in the organizations require knowledge and understanding from the employees performing the tasks. An emphasis on skills training and enhancement in competence also require an allocation of necessary resources, to enable and execute the transfer of knowledge between employees and internal course activities.
The purpose of project FAbL is to meet these challenges, and to contribute to competitiveness through increased learning rates for medium-sized Norwegian companies, using various forms of digital learning technology.
The next wave of successful innovation in the industry will largely depend on how quickly and efficiently companies adopt and make use of appropriate technologies in their production, their systems for learning and training in the workplace, and not least the systems for knowledge management. By developing a digital system for learning, the project will help optimize the learning speed between employees and in the organization as a whole, and contribute to maintain competitiveness within the framework of Industry 4.0. The objective is better utilization, sharing and dissemination of tacit knowledge in organizations, through more flexibility in learning and division of labor, faster and safer assembly and maintenance, and better and more efficient interactions between human and machine (HMI).
The project will test different technologies within the frame and context of Industry 4.0, but the main focus will be on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). User-centered design methodology and action research will be applied, to optimize collaboration and involvement of the technicians, operators and managers. This will ensure a more accurate mapping of the need and the achievement of perceived value of the learning, knowledge sharing and skills training.
One of the challenges we face today is a lack of knowledge about how various forms of technology are adopted and understood by the organizations and their members. Project FAbL aims to increase knowledge about how digital learning tools are accepted and used by employees, and develop a framework based on learning technology to contribute to efficiency and flexibility in the face of increased rates of change and ever-higher demands for restructuring in the industry.
During 2021, the FAbL project has carried out the following activities: Trial and testing of VR technology in several training situations (meetings in VR, 360 video recording of training situation, gamification of procedures), the use of AR technology in assembly, production, lectures and presentations. We have used the "double diamond" method for innovation, mapping of needs and requirements, and further development of pilots in the upcoming periods of the FAbL project.
Industri 4.0 er teknologidrevet og med et fokus på ny bruk av teknologi for å øke produksjons effektiviteten til et høyere nivå. Samtidig krever disse forandringende i bedriftene nødvendig kompetanse og forståelse fra de som skal utføre arbeidsoppgavene. Opplæring av ansatte krever også en god del ressurser i form av overføring av kunnskap fra en ansatt til en annen, eller i form av intern kursvirksomhet. Å øke læringshastigheten blir dermed et viktig moment for å opprettholde konkurransekraften. Samtidig er det en stor risiko for avvik eller feil i produksjonsprosedyrer når nye tiltak eller endringer settes i verk om operatøren ikke har den rette kompetansen, eller støtte tilstede til enhver tid. Metoden, Technology-Mediated Learning (TML), viser seg å motivere «eleven(e)» til å ta en aktiv rolle i sin egen læring samtidig å ta i bruk flere verktøy for å øke hastigheten på læringen. Det er ved å bruke TML som et reisverk for læring at hastigheten på læring øker. En utfordring vi står overfor idag er mangelen på kunnskap om hvordan teknologien brukes og forstås av menneskene i bedriftene. Dette vil føre til raskere prosesser der skriftlige dokumenter og rutine beskrivelser elimineres (fokus på Lean metoder). Dette vil si at vi gjennom FAbL vil kunne bidra med stor nytteverdi i form av å utvikle et nytt teknologisk læringssystem for bedriftenes operatører eller leverandører som gir assistanse der og da. Noe som vil bidra til økt klarhet og forståelse av arbeidsoppgavene som skal utføres. Det vil si at hvem som helst kan utføre flere oppgaver ved hjelp av et digitalt hjelpeverktøy.
Hovedmål: Skape konkurransekraft ved økt læringstakt for mellomstore norske bedrifter med hjelp av digitale læringsteknologier.