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PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

Forprosjekt. Characterization of microseismicity

Tildelt: kr 99 999

The pre-project should cover a literature study and a survey of main frontiers of knowledge and technology. It should also include activity to establish collaboration to relevant institutions and clarify the direction of the research in a later main proje ct. The pre-project should lead to a joint project between NORSAR and NGI within the PETROMAX programme. The joint project should focus on new ideas of characterizing the fundamental triggering mechanisms of microseismic events and quantifying the micro seismic emission capability for different types of reservoirs (e.g. sandstone, carbonates, fractured). The joint project will benefit from the expertise on geomechanical rock properties and laboratory facilities at NGI and processing software to monitor a nd detect microseismic events at NORSAR. Collaboration with an international research group is expected and during the pre-project we will look for one or more industry partners supporting a later main project.


PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

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