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PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

Petro Arctic. Offshore and coastal technology for petroleum production and transport from arctic waters

Tildelt: kr 15,0 mill.

The major new challenge for offshore petroleum production and transport from Arctic/cold waters is the presence of ice in the ocean. The influence of ice will usually require customised engineering solutions for offshore petroleum systems. These systems m ay have to deal with problems in coastal, near shore and offshore waters, and one may use floating production units, platforms, sub sea development technology and pipelines: 1) In coastal waters there may be terminals, harbours and pipelines and sub sea t echnology might be used. These challenges are addressed in Task 4: Ice gouging and protection of subsea installations, Task 5: Berm breakwaters and ice barriers in cold waters, and Task 1: Ice ridges. 2) Structures may be placed in the landfast ice covers in fjords or closed bays and problems here are addressed through Task 7: Thermal stresses in ice and inhomogeneity. 3) Further offshore in drifting ice conditions (in the pack-ice), structures may be fixed to the seabed, and some vital topics are address ed through Task 2: Dynamic ice action on structures, Task 6: Ice actions on jack-ups, and Task 1: Ice ridges. 4) Finally floating units in pack ice are addressed in Task 3: Marine units in ice, Task 8: Collection of ice pilot experience from sailors and T ask 1: Ice ridges. The project will provide new insight into the basic problems related to safe and sustainable development of hydrocarbon fields in Arctic/cold waters. The technology developed will also be valuable in other segments of the society, such as in all areas of transport, in coastal zone management and in the general strengthening of the infrastructure of the northern region. Another important component of the project is the strengthening of international Arctic cooperation through work in all tasks. Emphasis is particularly on cooperation with Russia for a common understanding of the petroleum production needs of the northern region and for joint projects with Russians.


PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver