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PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

Rapid transportation of complex fluid mixes.

Tildelt: kr 65 176

An effective way of planning and operating process plants and pipeline networks is the use of simulations. Accurate simulations make it possible to cut costs and increase the safety and accuracy of the estimated capacity and thus increase the capacity. An important part of this is the understanding of propagation of high pressure wave fronts and how it affects the operation of pipelines and process plants. This is a subject pointed out in TTA6. The research project will focus on verifying the existing si mulation software OLGA with respect to rapid transportation of fluids. The transport can be propagation of wave fronts of gas or liquids as well as complex mixtures of different phases. The work involves simulation work and analysis of experimental data. The work is suitable for a PhD program. An essential part of the work is to obtain relevant experimental data. A survey of existing data will be made. It is likely that new measurements have to be performed, a real challenge in this project. Careful plan ning and analysis of test facilities have to be done in order to be able to perform relevant measurements. Existing facilities will probably have to be modified in order to fit this type of experiments.


PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

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