Tilbake til søkeresultatene

FME-Forskningssentre for miljøvenn

BIGCCS Centre - International CCS Research Centre

Tildelt: kr 4,3 mill.

Project summary Emphasis is put on advanced basic and applied research providing in-depth knowledge and methods pertaining to viable solutions for CO2 capture, CO2 transport, geological CO2 storage, and the integrated CO2 chain. SP1 CO2 Capture Task 1. 1 CO2 separation: Development of precipitating solvent systems and high-temperature sorbents with improved capacity, minimum degradation and low environmental impact. Task 1.2 High temperature membranes: Hydrogen membranes were the challenge is to increas e membrane area and develop methods for module sealing and assembly. Task 1.3 Hydrogen combustion: Low NOx combustors and fundamental reliability issues such as auto-ignition, flame flashback, and undesired flame stabilisation in the fuel-air mixer. Task 1.4 Oxy-fuel and FGR Combustion: Fundamental knowledge for combustors burning fuels in airless stratified atmospheres containing oxygen and CO2. Task 1.5 Application to industry and offshore: Define and select case studies of particular potential for expl oration and innovation. Task 1.6: Integrated assessment: Detailed unit design and modelling, systematic process design, and benchmarking. SP2 CO2 Transport Task 2.1 CO2 pipeline integrity: will develop an analysis methodology for rapid crack propagation and arrest in CO2 pipelines including phase transition from liquid to gas phase CO2. SP3 CO2 Storage Task 3.1: Qualification of storage resources: Methods and procedures for qualification of identified pore volumes and seals for prospective storage sites . Task 3.2: Storage behavior: Improved understanding of basic mechanisms for CO2 migration and behaviour in porous media. Task 3.3: Monitoring, leakage and remediation: Improve CO2 storage safety by combining geophysical monitoring methods with reservoir fluid flow simulations. SP4 CO2 chain Task 4.1: CO2 chain analysis: Methodology for CO2 chain analyses as basis for identifying cost-effective options, environmental impacts and safety. Task 4.2: Economic and policy incentives for the CO2 chain.


FME-Forskningssentre for miljøvenn