Tilbake til søkeresultatene


Effects of activities and work on a farm and its nature surroundings on health, social well-being and working ability for people out of work

Tildelt: kr 6,3 mill.

I Norge er en stor og økende andel av befolkningen permanent eller midlertidig ute av arbeidslivet. Mange norske gårder tilbyr ulike Inn på tunet (IPT) tiltak for denne gruppen, allikevel er lite kjent om hvilke elementer som kan tenkes å ha positive effekter på ulike faktorer som man vet har betydning for å få folk tilbake i arbeidslivet. Dette prosjektet ønsket derfor å systematisk beskrive IPT tilbudet i Norge for mennesker som er ute av arbeidslivet Etter en kartlegging av aktuelle gårder ble det foretatt en spørreundersøkelse blant alle deltakere og tilbydere av IPT tiltak for mennesker ute av arbeid i Norge. Det ble også gjennomført kvalitative intervjuer med deltakere. Prosjektgruppen er bredt sammensatt av forskere fra NMBU samt andre norske og utenlandske forskergrupper og representanter for landbruksnæringen og NAV.

In Norway an increasing proportion of the population is permanently or temporary out of work and are dependent on different kinds of welfare benefits. The farm and Green service programs offer a diverse range of elements that might enhance several factors known to be associated with return to work (RTW). This research proposal therefore aims to systematically describe the content and effect of Green service programs for RTW and document which elements that are perceived as important and effective for the participants. The study population will be adults out of work participating in different ongoing Green service programs in Norway, and who are on different kinds of welfare benefit arrangements from The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV). T o assess the perceived success criteria amongst participants and farmers, a nationwide survey of all participants and farmers in Green service programs for RTW will be conducted. To assess effects of Green service programs on RTW- related factors, a longi tudinal study with standardized questionnaires to all participants on Green work and Green stairs programs during a two-year period will be conducted. To investigate the direct effect of Green service programs on RTW, self-reported data on work status 3 m onths after finished program will be used. In addition, register data on work status from NAV for all participants at 3 and 6 months after finishing the program will be used, and the data will be compared with matched controls (age, gender, diagnosis, len gth of sick leave) from the same register. In addition, semi-structured interviews with random samples of participants that have and do not have RTW will bring deeper insight into what might be the facilitators and barriers to RTW after participating in a Green service program. The project involves experts from different fields of health, Green services and sickness absence epidemiology, and seeks funding for one PhD student and a research officer.

