Tilbake til søkeresultatene


Wood - Energy, Emissions & Experience

Tildelt: kr 3,6 mill.




2012 - 2015

Midlene er mottatt fra:




The basic idea of the project is to document the effects on the energy use and the residents health and behavior of using wood in structures and interior in buildings. The energy aspects will focus on latent heat exchange in wood, and its capacity to damp en daily fluctuations of temperature and relative humidity. Also the influence of ventilation, heating, room sizes, openings (windows/doors), furniture, occupant behavior and ambient outdoor climate on indoor environment shall be addressed, and the percei ved temperature of wood as opposed to other building materials shall be investigated. On the health aspects the level and variation in emissions from wood and the effects on indoor air quality shall be quantified by measuring emissions from a representati ve selection of samples of Norwegian softwood. This will be used to model the effects on indoor air quality in a controlled indoor environment. Finally assessment of occupant health and perceived well being when interior wood are used shall be performed, and the possible relations between health effects of wood use and occupant perception of the indoor environment shall be investigated.

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