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FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren

The cultural context and effects of selfregulation on early learning

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In the SKOLEKLAR research project we have collected data on Norwegian children's self-regulation both in daycare and during first year of school. The project also has rich data on other relevant variables, such as characteristics of daycares and schools, parental education and income, child development from early years reported by parents, sosio-emotional development, language development, adjustment to daily activities in home and daycare (from parents and teachers), observed relationship skills, and tes t data related to vocabulary, early math skills and literacy. We have already started to look into the links between all these variables both in cross sectional designs and now also in a longitudinal perspective - since we have just recently (spring 2013) collected time 2 data. In the present project we propose to expand our possibilities for use of data by collaborating with other researchers that use the exact same test of self-regulation as we have; the Head-toes-knees-shoulders task. We have 3 subgoa ls. 1 Studying self-regulation among Norwegian in comparison with children from other cultural context might give us ideas for Norwegian early childhood pedagogy in the future. In the present project we will collaborate with international experts on self- regulation among young children to look more closely into the levels of self-regulation among young Norwegian children in comparison with children in the Netherlands and the US. 2 SKOLEKLAR has used computer tablets together with the HTKS measure in new and inventive ways. We intend to publish an article on our experiences from this work. 3 Self-regulation has proven to be a very significant predictor of early math skills. In the present project we also intend to publish an article on the effect of self -regulation on children?s development of early math skills during transition from daycare to first grade. The project will enable us to collaborate further with our national and international contacts.


FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren
