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FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren

Connecting Everyday and Academic Knowledge Practice,- a Teacher Challenge. Part of KnowMo, NFR Project nr. 237515

Tildelt: kr 0,41 mill.

In educational research, there is a common interest in studying the continuities and discontinuities between students School experiences and their everyday experiences. Many of these scholars are driven by an assumption that including students everyday experiences in formal teaching is beneficial for students learning and participation. However, we know little about how teachers use students everyday experiences and knowledge, and in what ways this strategy will enhance in-school Learning. This backdrop constitutes the rationale of my Ph.D. project, a part of the on-going KnowMo-project (NFR, ref. 237515). My aim is to present knowledge about the consequences of the teachers different ways of bringing student's everyday experiences and knowledge as resources for student learning in subject matters. Besides studying young students in different out-of-school contexts, such as family and sport activities, a major practical aim is to build knowledge about how the teachers can cope with and integrate topics and activities from outside school into subject matters in the classrooms. This will result in two Scientific articles published in high quality journals, presentations at prestigious Conferences (AERA) and participation in the Departement Colloquium Series at UC Berkeley. My Ph.D. studies will be greatly facilitated by a stay at UC Berkeley, particularly through collaboration with leading scholars in the areas of educational research and Learning across contexts. This is the first systematic attempt at describing, analysing and categorizing knowledge practices across contexts of learning. The results will provide important knowledge relevant to current concerns and political debates about students drop-out, how to make institutional knowledge relevant for students, "the 21th Century Skills" and increase the quality of knowledge about everyday and institutional knowledge practices in both the Norwegian Teacher Education and International Educational Research


FINNUT-Forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren
