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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Clean energy production - Environmental technologies - Cleaner air

Alternativ tittel: Clean energy production - Environmental technologies - Cleaner air

Tildelt: kr 1,2 mill.

Fokus på grønn teknologi og grønn omstilling er økende. CEC har vært en satsning innen grønt skifte, og en plattform for samarbeid mellom FoU aktører og relevant næringsliv. CEC-nettverket har hatt to hovedfokusområder: sensorteknologier (1) og prosesskontroll og assessment-tjenester (2) i energibransjen. Det har vært flere initiativ både i Norge og i utlandet, og CEC har hatt aktiviteter knyttet til ulike markedsområder, blant annet transport, satelittdata, optiske overvåkingssystemer og "internet of Things".


Sustainability, and focus on green technologies is increasing, and both public and private capital is channelled towards new technologies, everything from improved combustion-based technologies to smart cities and micro-sensors for air quality monitoring. CEC will be a starting point of activities that facilitates cooperation that again spurs new and green technologies. These are technologies that consequently will be positioned in markets and becoming innovations. The CEC network will have two main markets, yet with multiple sub-segments. The two main markets will be sensor technologies and clean energy markets. In the sensor technology markets, there will be two sub-segments that will be relevant; process control and air quality control. Both segments are large international, multi-billion dollar markets with both smaller and multinational corporations present in the market. The clean energy market will primarily be targeted from an assessment and process control perspective. This ties to the latter paragraph on sensor technologies, and the further activity of assessment and process control is readily a successive focus area. The market for the direct activities of assessment and process control is a more diverse market (less integrated) than the sensor technology market.


BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena