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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Norway in Manufuture SRA 2030

Tildelt: kr 0,45 mill.

I den siste del av prosjektperioden har hovedfokus vært å bidra i fredigstillingen av Manufutures nye strategidokument "Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) 2030".

Virkningen av prosjektet er informasjon og spredning av Manufuture SRA 2030 rapporten. Her har vi påvirkt og bidratt med innhold både i skriveteam og i styringsgruppe. Rapporten er et underlag for prioriteringer innen Manufacturing for Horizon Europe. Den vi innholdsmessig også være viktig for strategi og FoU prioriteringer både for norske FoU miljøer og industri.

Norway has a long tradition of participation in EU research framework programs (FP) and is a full member of the H2020 program. Association takes place through an amendment to Protocol 31 of the European Economic Area (EEA). The FPs has been an important contribution to funding of Norwegian research, but probably more important for networking within Europe for industry, research and education institutions. The current challenges in Norwegian oil and gas sector highlights the need for a sustainable Norwegian manufacturing industry, and EU plays a major role in Research collaboration, suppliers and customers for Norwegian manufacturing industry. It is therefore important that Norway has a voice in the shaping of the research strategies for future framework programs, and this project aims at strengthening Norwegian participation in the Manufuture SRA 2030 creation. One of the major channels for external advice to the European commission (EC) regarding the funding of European research are European Technology Platforms (ETPs) and the Manufuture ETP is the Technology Platforms for manufacturing industry. The ETPs are industry-led stakeholder forum recognized by the European Commission as key actors in driving innovation, knowledge transfer and European competitiveness?. Planned activities The main activities in this project will be organized in the following Work Packages (WPs): WP1: Mapping and communication with Norwegian stakeholders WP2: Participate and contribute in editorial meetings and contribute to writing the SRA WP3: Participate and contribute in Manufuture conferences, HLG, ISG and Joining platform meetings (complementary extension of meeting activities compared with the Manufuture Norway)


BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena