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Economic Analysis of Corporate Misconduct: A PhD Course at NHH

Tildelt: kr 0,12 mill.




2017 - 2017

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The international character of markets combined with financial secrecy and complex corporate structures, makes it difficult for governments to control any inclination firms may have to earn profits in illegal ways. In practice, corporate offenders face a too low risk of being detected and sanctioned, including for offences like tax evasion, fraudulent share dealing, insider trading, bribery, credit rating manipulation, and insurance fraud. Improving policies and strengthening enforcement are highly needed. Solutions are not only a matter of resources, however, it is also a question of how crime is carried out, what explains the players'incentives, and what strategies are the most efficient under different circumstances - all aspects that are difficult to determine. In order to better understand business-related offences and counter-measures, NHH has started several research initiatives, notably the Norwegian Center of Taxation and also a closer collaboration with the law faculties in Bergen and Oslo respectively. For progress on this research agenda and recruitment of clever candidates, we find it highly important to offer a top-quality PhD course on the law and economics of relevant forms of crime and regulation. One of the best possible lecturers internationally, Prof. Jennifer Arlen at New York University is willing to come and teach at NHH in May 2017. This is something we consider a unique opportunity, and with this application for funding to cover the expenses with the course, we hope it will be possible. Prof. Arlen has developed central theories on the economics of crime and written extensively also in law. She has contributed importantly to policy work in the United States and internationally for many years, written several books and numerous articles published in the best journals, and has long experience in teaching, including at the PhD level.

