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Organic sperm cell activator that will improve world-wide pork production

Alternativ tittel: Organisk Sædcelleaktivator for forbedret produksjon av svin.

Tildelt: kr 8,4 mill.




2017 - 2020

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Spermatech AS har utviklet og testet en biologisk aktivator til bruk på sædceller fra gris. Aktivatoren er vist åøke effektiviteten av befruktning ved kunstig inseminering i forbindelse med griseavl og produksjon av svinekjøtt. Teknologien er basert på tilførsel av Spermatechs «sædcelleaktivator» til spermier fra gris før kunstig inseminering og befruktning. Vi har vist at aktivatoren øker antall avkom per purke (hunngris) i purkas tid som avlsdyr. Bruk av aktivatoren i griseavl vil ha betydning for produksjon av svinekjøtt, i alle land som produserer svinekjøtt for konsum. Spermatechs aktivator er effektiv, men gjennomgår en prosess for å optimalisere løselighet i organiske væsker, slik som grisesperm. Spermatech gjør i samarbeid med Norsvin småskala feltforsøk der aktivator optimalisert for løselighet blir testet for avlseffektivitet i gris. I tillegg så samarbeider Spermatech med NTNU Gjøvik, Institutt for vareproduksjon og byggteknikk om å utvikle en metode for effektiv og reproduserbar blanding av aktivator og spermier i forbindelse med kunstig inseminering. Spermatech sikrer rettighetene til aktivatoren gjennom patentering gjennom Dehns patentkontor i England.

Outcome of a successful boar sperm activator will benefit the pork production chain worldwide at several levels. Improved semen quality, fertility and increased number of off springs will impact pork meat production and breading for traits. A more effective pork production will reduce costs. The world market for boar sperm is large especially in China, which is a large marked for artificial insemination. Around 200 million boar sperm doses are used annually worldwide at a cost of ~30 NOK per dose. The average value of a born piglet is ~15 USD. A sow gives birth to ~10 x 14 (140) piglets during her life-long service. SpermAct increases the number of off springs equal to ~ 14 piglets per sow during her life-long service. A net revenue per sow is ~210 USD. Estimating 10 % revenue for Spermatech, a 20% market penetration, and 20 million sperm doses annually the boar sperm activator will add 30 million USD annually for Spermatech alone with the present market size for insemination.

We will develop a boar sperm activator to increase the efficiency of artificial insemination used in pig breeding. This will be done through the development of a new and efficient delivery system/protocol combined with formulation of the activator. For the formulation, we will use both organic chemistry and/or nano technology to improve the efficiency of activator administration. Spermatech has through an earlier Bionær project developed a small organic compound that increase the shelf life of collected boar semen and the motility of boar sperm. However, there are challenges connected to the delivery of the current activator due to solubility and handling issues. In this project, we will develop a formulation and administration concept in order to take the current activator from its laboratory-operated form, into a state where it can be safely and with ease-of-use administered by "laymen" in a pork breeding setting. The main objective will be to develop a new formulation and efficient delivery system based on modification of our current sperm cell activator. Organic chemistry and nano technologies will be performed to create an improved activator. The main R&D activities include sperm activator formulation, toxicology test of formulated compound to create a safety profile of the activator for field trials, delivery protocol/technology for handling and administration in the field and filed studies. The main R&D challenges are the formulation of the activator. We will consider both traditional delivery systems such as pill/capsule and advanced nano formulation. Formulation studies will be performed to maintain SpermAct soluble, and with limited fillers that will not effect SpermAct's activity. SpermAct will be the first boar sperm cell activator on the market. and is a new offering in the artificial insemination market. As of today, there are no boar sperm cell activators in this market

