Tilbake til søkeresultatene


The Effects of Education on Returns to Wealth

Alternativ tittel: Utdanning og avkastning på formue

Tildelt: kr 2,3 mill.





2019 - 2024

Midlene er mottatt fra:


I mange land kontrollerer en liten del av befolkningen en stor og økende andel av den totale formuen. Dette har bidratt til at ulikhet igjen har blitt et viktig tema på både den akademiske og politiske dagsorden. Et viktig spørsmål er hva som fører til økt ulikhet i formue. Mulige forklaringer kan være: vedvarende variasjon blant husholdninger i arbeidsinntekt, formuesavkastning eller spareatferd. Den akademiske litteraturen har fokusert mye på variasjon i arbeidsinntekt, men en viktig innsikt her er at inntektsulikhet alene ikke kan forklare den observerte økningen formuesulikhet. I de siste par årene har litteraturen i stedet fokusert på heterogenitet i formuesavkastning, altså at noen husholdninger over tid oppnår bedre avkastning på sin formue enn andre. Teoretiske funn viser at modeller hvor individer har vedvarende ulik formuesavkastning kan forklare økningen i formuesulikhet. Dette prosjektet ønsker å forstå de underliggende årsakene til vedvarende forskjeller i formuesavkastning.


Across countries, a small fraction of the population controls a large and growing share of the economy's wealth. Thus, inequality has risen to the forefront of current academic, popular, and policy debates. The literature first focused on labor income inequality as the proximate cause of this increase in wealth concentration, but years of research have shown that income inequality by itself is unable to explain the sharp increase in wealth inequality. During the past years, there has therefore been a shift towards focusing on heterogeneity in returns to wealth. Indeed, multiple papers have shown that models in which individuals are endowed with idiosyncratic returns to wealth that persist over time are able to explain the wealth concentration we find in the data. This project aims to unveil the underlying causes of heterogeneity in returns to wealth. One potential candidate in explaining wealth returns heterogeneity is education. More sophisticated investors can search for and process information more effectively. Moreover, education in specific fields, such as economics or finance, specifically trains students in handling wealth (assets and liabilities) effectively, making the field of study potentially important. This project will offer a comprehensive causal quantitative assessment of the benefits of the of education for individual financial decision making. This will provide valuable information to the design of financial education reforms. We will combine data on returns to wealth with specific sources of random variation in education to provide causal estimates on the effects of education on financial return. Furthermore, we will investigate potential channels through which both the field of study and length of education influence returns. We lastly will assess how these effects of education on returns to wealth affect the evolution of the distribution of wealth.

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