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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2

Transforming Shipping through Ecosystem Business model Innovation (TSEBI)

Alternativ tittel: Økosystem forretnings modell innovasjon i maritime industri

Tildelt: kr 6,8 mill.




2019 - 2022



Den underliggende ideen i prosjektet Transformasjon av Shipping gjennom Økosystem Forretningsmodell Innovasjon (TSEBI) er å innovere i industrielle økosystemer gjennom å utvikle bærekraftige innovasjoner i forretningsmodeller. Kongsberg Maritime har store ambisjoner om å ta en ledende rolle i det globale maritime markedet for digitale og autonome kontainer fartøy. Parallelt til dette bygger de et nytt økosystem knyttet til deres digitale plattformer som Kognifai. For å lykkes må KM utvikle nye innovative ferdigheter for å kunne utvikle og kommersialisere nye bærekraftige løsninger sammen med nasjonale og internasjonale økosystem aktører. TSEBI prosjektets ambisjoner er å utvikle en stegvis metode for bærekraftige forretningsmodell utvikling som utligner forskjellige interesser og insentiver samt skaper felles forståelse av verdifangst, verdiskaping og verdilevering. Prosjektet er ledet av forskere fra USN og NORSE som sammen med Kongsberg økosystem av aktører tester og utvikler nye kundetilpassede løsninger. Prosjektet har så langt bistått i utvikling av økosystem av forretningsmodeller, utviklet nye metoder og publisert en rekke artikler, webbaserte seminarer og workshops.

Market trend analysis shows that global market for autonomous shipping will become a multi-billion industry in few years. Estimates indicate that to-days transport of goods, with estimated value of 140 billion NOK (sea, road and railway) will double by 2030. Autonomous systems will take a large part of this volume. Norwegian maritime industry with Kongsberg Maritime is well-positioned actors to profit by taking the next step by introducing disruptive solutions and business models. In TSEBI, we focus on supporting our industry partners with engaging in business models that are based on digitally enabled advanced services, which represent the highest potential for environmental impact e.g. zero emissions from shipping and increased revenues by 20 % incorporating the logic of digitalization and circular economy. More specifically, the project has realized following goals such as developing and testing business model innovation methods and insights, providing advice on capability development of partner companies, investigating closely leading customer cases related to autonomous solutions, undertaking benchmark analysis and sharing leading examples, increasing ability to industry partners to enter international markets, supported ecosystem partnerships and cooperation for current and future solution development and promoting academic dialogue related to digital and autonomous solutions. Taken together, the lessons from this project have been influential in promoting the overall transition of the Norwegian industry with regard to digitalization, sustainability, and new business models in industrial ecosystems.

The underlying idea of the Transforming Shipping through Ecosystem Business model Innovation (TSEBI) project is to innovate at the level of entire industrial ecosystems (and not just the firm level) through new sustainable business models. Kongsberg Maritime wants to take a leading role in realizing a reliable and sustainable future transport system by commercializing a fully electrical and autonomous container vessel towards global maritime markets. For Kongsberg Maritime succeeding with implementing digital business models can represent approximate 1000 MNOK in future revenue generation. However, this goal is challenging due to immaturity in the innovation capabilities of Kongsberg Maritime to commercialize sustainable digital business models with national and international ecosystem actors. Thus, TSEBI intends to develop and implement a step-by-step method for sustainable business model innovation that aligns interests and incentives across ecosystem actors to jointly agreeing on value creation, value delivery and value capturing arrangement. Support by a team of researchers from University of South-Eastern Norway and NORCE. The project realizes innovation potential by including companies that are part of Kongsberg ecosystem or are interested in contributing to project result, namely, Fosstech (potential sub-suppliers), Cognite (potential sub-suppliers), and MHWirth (reference company) and testing results toward concrete customer cases of Yara and Asko. TSEBI also includes clusters and industry network actors NODE and Subsea Valley that will be active in dissemination of findings and results through workshops and publications to actors outside the project.


MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2