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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Research Exchange in Combinatorial Scientific Computing

Tildelt: kr 27 658

This proposal seeks funding for one PhD student from from Simula Research Laboratory, and for Johannes Langguth from Simula Research Laboratory to travel to ENS Lyon for collaboration in the area of algorithms for high performance computing. The first component of the collaboration will be a research visit of approximately two weeks in early 2020 by Ioannis Panagiotas, a PhD student from ENS Lyon, to Simula, where he will work under the supervision of Johannes Langguth. Work will focus on the concrete use of experimental exascale hardware available at Simula through the eX3 - Experimental Infrastructure for Exploration of Exascale Computing project. This will be followed up by a one week return visit from Johannes Langguth to ENS Lyon, who will be accompanied by one of the PhD students from Simula. The PhD student will remain for two weeks to work under the supervision of Bora Uçar. The focus will lie on methods of algorithm design and analysis. The project is accompanied by a corresponding application to AURORA/Campusfrance which will cover the French part of the travel grant.


IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike