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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

RelinC: The role of research, skilled labour and innovation in the Coronacrisis.

Alternativ tittel: RelinC: Rollen til forskning, kvalifisert arbeidskraft og innovasjon i Koronakrisen.

Tildelt: kr 5,0 mill.

Hva betyr kriser for næringslivets innovasjonsevne? RelinC-prosjektet vokser ut av den økonomiske litteraturen som studerer forholdet mellom ‘kriser’ og innovasjonsaktivitetene i næringslivet. I kjølvann av COVID19-pandemien utnyttet RelinC et bredt spekter av unike datakilder for: • a vurdere i sanntid motstandskraften i det norske innovasjonssystemet i møte med en krise. • å analysere hvordan innovasjonsevnen til norske bedrifter tilpasser seg under kriser. Prosjektet gjennomførte et sett med delstudier. Den gjennomgikk relevant (post-Schumpeterian økonomi) litteratur; den tilpasset en standard taksonomi av innovasjonsaktivitet på bedriftsnivå for bedre å forstå hvordan økonomisk krise påvirker ulike typer innovative bedrifter; og den utforsket og videreutviklet empiriske strategier i sanntid som kan være nyttige for å overvåke og analysere en pandemikrise og dens konsekvenser. Prosjektets bidrag er først og fremst empirisk. Den utforsket og demonstrerte gjennomslagskraften av en rekke empiriske strategier i lys av det klare behovet for bedre "linser" for å overvåke og analysere uventede bivirkninger av uventede kriser som COVID19-pandemien. Ved å kombinere forskjellige (lave og høyfrekvente, standard og utforskende) typer data, søkte den å bedre forstå hvordan de innovative svarene fra ulike firmaer reagerer under en krise.

The project managed to bring together several communities (the research community, the statistical community, the business community, and the public policy community) around a current and important issue. It called attention to the importance of the basic relationship (innovation during crisis) for society, and it brought forward the need for new ways to gauge this relationship in real time. The project built on and reinforced innovation in the public sector in quite direct ways. Statistics Norway improved indicators and analysis during the pandemic while participating in the project. It also provided a real-time lens to provide feedback on the effects of the public sector compensation schemes that were introduced during the crisis. The importance of the work and its design have been recognized. The fact that this was picked up by a renowned economics journalist in Norway indicates the significance of the underlying work. Internationally there are other indications that the project’s work is at the forefront. The project presented complementary work alongside similar work of the international organization, WIPO.

The project aims at understanding the role of firm-level innovation in promoting economic resilience to pandemic crises. The project bases upon the scientific literature on evolutionary economics and innovation studies, using concepts like adaptation and selection for understanding, in real time, the consequences of a pandemic crisis on a national economy. Empirically, the country under study will be Norway: by analysing a wide array of historical data, a clear picture of the innovation patterns of Norwegian firms will be described. To this purpose, a taxonomy of firms, built from firm-level and employee-level data, will be used to categorize Norwegian firms according to their research, development and innovation patterns. The project will then dig into real-time information on crisis-related bankruptcies and on policy measures aimed at struggling enterprises, in order to understand which parts of the innovation landacape of Norway, as represented by the firm-level innovation categories outlined above, seem to be most resilient to the crises. A main assumption of the project is that different innovation patterns could lead to crisis resilience. Finally, an update of a comprehensive firm survey on R&D and innovation will allow to investigate how the innovation landscape itself is going to change during and following the pandemic crisis.

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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena