Det Digitale Havrom
Den digitale transformasjon og distribuerte teknologier endrer vårt samfunn og den maritime næring. Skipene blir smartere, data drevne, knyttet til resten av verden, grønnere og har komplekst maskinerisystem. Fremtidens maritime aktivitet integrerer mennesker, teknolog og grønne løsninger til å endre hvordan vi designer, operer og samhandler. Dette teknologiske skifte kan ikke bare blir testet ved å studere enkelte fysiske effekter. Full-skal testing I reelle omgivelser, reell værtilstand, reell trafikk og situasjon er nødvendig.
Det Digitale havrom er en arena for full-skala testing, forskning og innovasjon innen:
• Maritime teknologi og operasjoner
• Navigering, styring og autonomi
• “Search and rescue” og løsninger innen sikkerhet
• Teknologi til å kultivere og høste bioressurser
• Teknologi til å ta ut energi fra havet (vind, bølger og strøm)
• Hvordan havet påvirker kystinfrastruktur
Digitalisation and demand for green solutions are drivers for a massive technology development. Interest in autonomous functions and remote supervision and control is growing fast. Enabled by recent developments in sensor technology, connectivity at sea, and analysis and decision support algorithms. The energy transition from fossil fuel to renewable technologies requires a substantial shift in priorities . A reduction of CO2 of 50 % in the shipping industry are set by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and will cause major technological developments and raise demand for more effective and efficient ship operations.
A full-scale test arena for technology in the ocean space is therefore important for knowledge-based innovation in the ocean-based industries. Such technology development cannot only be tested by studying physical effects in scaled laboratories. Testing in real environments, real weather conditions, real traffic condition and real situations are needed.
MOL offers a unique opportunity which in a great extent is geared towards facilitating development of advanced technology for surface ships and floating structures. The idea of MOL is to ad flexible and mobile vehicles (on the water surface and in the air) with a variety of sensor packages.
USV platform for measurements:
- Sensor package for navigation and autonomy
- Sensor package for metocean
- Sensor package for water quality and seabed sampling
- Sensor package for noise in the sea
- Sensor package for surveillances
Drone platform for measurements:
- Sensor package for metocean
- Sensor package for surveillances
A large investment, the Ocean Space Centre (OSC), have already been agreed and granted. Møre Ocean Lab (MOL) compliment the overall OSC infrastructure.