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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Equivalent nonlinear control methods for digitalization in robotics and autonomous systems

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Robotic and autonomous systems largely rely on the complex and often distributed and hierarchical control systems that have to ensure the main functionalities with a flexible and safe operation. The classical automatic feedback controllers continue to experience the new challenges coming from an increasing complexity in dynamic behavior of the systems to be controlled on the one hand, and from the digitalization and associated transformations of data, their spatial distribution and communication time delays, on the other hand. PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) type controllers remain further the most used in industrial applications, including robotics, also due to their ease of understanding, integration, and tuning in both the time and frequency domains, while several performance limitations and shortcomings of PID controllers are known in academia. A scientific target of the project is to propose the advanced nonlinear control methods which would be, however, equivalent to the widely accepted standard linear controls (such as PID) in terms of the structure and simplicity of implementation. To reach the individual project goals and increase researcher mobility between the participating Institutions, the project will implement several practical measures and further strengthen the academic relationship between the research groups at UiA in Norway and INRIA Lille in France. This includes also promoting and facilitating the academic exchange of young researchers involved in the project through their participation in the seminars, short-term visits, and other forms of scientific communication. Synergies expected from the complementary competencies will also increase the visibility of both groups on national level and within the international communities of control and systems engineering. The project activities aim of establishing basis and elaborated portfolio of preliminary works for further collaboration in the frame of Horizon Europe or other funding programs.


IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike