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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

Recyclable Barrier Pouch with extraordinary shelf life

Alternativ tittel: Resirkulerbar pose med barriere og ekstraordinær holdbarhet

Tildelt: kr 9,8 mill.

Real Turmat og Real Field meal er kjente norske matvaremerker produsert av det familieeide selskapet Drytech i Tromsø. Konseptet deres er å gi utendørs- og forsvarssegmentet sunne, lette måltider som er enkle å tilberede. Produktene har 5- og 7-års holdbarhet ved romtemperatur. For å nå denne ekstremt høye holdbarheten kreves emballasje med enestående barriereegenskaper. Bruksområdene krever også spesifikk funksjonalitet. Den nåværende løsningen er en laminert stående pose som ikke er mekanisk resirkulerbar. I samsvar med deres bærekraftsmål ønsker Drytech å erstatte deres nåværende løsning med en ny og resirkulerbar pose. Dette er en krevende utfordring og for å lykkes med denne innovasjonen har partnere fra verdikjeden blitt enige om å samarbeide for å lage en resirkulerbar emballasjeløsning tilpasset en sirkulær verdikjede. I tillegg til Drytech består prosjektkonsortiet av MPack (emballasjeleverandør), Skala Maskon, (maskinprodusent), Ragn-Sells (avfallshåndtering), forsvarsbygg (sluttbruker) og Norner (FoU).

Real Turmat and Real Field meal are well known Norwegian food brands produced by the family-owned company Drytech in Tromsø. Their concept is to provide the outdoor and army segment with healthy, light weight meals that are easy to prepare. Every year 3 million meals are served by Drytech. Due to exact adjusted portions this contributes both to convenience and reduced food waste. The brands have 5- and 7- years shelf life in room temperature, even with limited use of preservatives. This requires advanced packaging solutions with outstanding barrier against oxygen and moisture. The current flexible packaging solution is a laminated stand-up pouch (SUP) having a very complex structure comprising several different polymer materials. The SUP is in addition comprising aluminium (Al) foil. This solution is therefore not mechanically recyclable. In accordance with their sustainability goals, Drytech wants to replace their current solution with a new and recyclable solution. The underlying idea of REBAPO is to develop a sustainable flexible packaging solution for Real Turmat and Real Field meal by single material laminates comprising a barrier technology providing ultra-high barrier performance for the extraordinary long shelf life. This is a demanding challenge and in order to succeed with this innovation, partners from the value chain have agreed to work together to obtain a recyclable packaging solution fit for a circular value chain. In addition to Drytech, the project consortium consists of MPack (packaging supplier), Skala Maskon, (machine producer), Ragn-Sells (waste handling), the Norwegian army (end user) and Norner Research (R&D). ScG chemicals will contribute financially to the project, but will not be a participating partner. They have an interest in the knowledge developed through the project, which they hope will be transferable to their business.


BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

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