Integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: adaptive and mitigatory strategies to address climate change & malnutrion
Alternativ tittel: Integrert tilnærming til utfordringen med bærekraftige matsystemer:adaptive & avbøtende strategier for å møte klimaendringer & underernæring
De systemiske resultatene av prosjektet har blitt publisert i en rekke anerkjente tidsskrifter, noe som fremhever den tverrfaglige naturen i forskningen. Disse publikasjonene spenner over viktige akademiske plattformer som Nutrients, Economies, Agronomy, PloS One, Science of Food and Agriculture, Frontiers in Plant Science, Sustainability, Foods, Cleaner Production, Applied Sciences og Italian Journal of Agronomy. Ved å publisere i disse ulike tidsskriftene har forskningen nådd et bredt publikum, inkludert forskere og fagpersoner innen områder som matsikkerhet, landbruksinnovasjon, miljøvitenskap og produksjonseffektivitet.
I tillegg til disse tidsskriftpublikasjonene har de systemiske prosjektresultatene blitt presentert på flere anerkjente workshops og konferanser, hvor forskere, beslutningstakere og bedrifter har blitt involvert. Habtamu Alem presenterte prosjektet på den 6. JPI HDHL Internasjonale Konferansen i april 2021 og diskuterte kunnskapsplattformens strukturering på det virtuelle møtet med FOSC Funders i 2020. CLIMAQUALITEC-poster ble også presentert på det LXIV Kongress i det Italienske Selskapet for Landbruksgenetikk i september 2021. I tillegg holdt professor Marco Bindi en presentasjon om "Å anvende en integrert tilnærming til utfordringen med bærekraftige matsystemer" på MINDS Foods Hub i Milano den 21. september 2021. G. Parisi delte også funn om kosttilskudd med Hermetia illucens-larvemel og dets effekter på filet av havabbor på den 24. kongressen for Animal Science and Production Association i Padova, Italia. Andre presentasjoner inkluderte diskusjoner om de positive effektene av ekstrakt fra kaffesøl på glukosetransport i tarmen på ISEKI E-konferansen (november 2021), samt bruk av varmebehandlet olivenpulp som en trygg spiselig ingrediens for matindustrien. Videre innsikt ble presentert på den internasjonale konferansen om Food Bioactives & Health (juni 2022) og den 51. konferansen for det Italienske Selskapet for Agronomi (september 2022), som fremhevet bærekraftige landbrukspraksiser og innovative matteknologier.
The SYSTEMIC project has had both significant scientific and social impacts. Scientifically, it has produced 75 peer-reviewed articles and presented findings at 34 national and international conferences, advancing knowledge in areas like food production, nutrition technologies, climate change, and environmental pollution. The project’s results have been shared through webinars, a central website, and press releases, ensuring broad visibility.
Socially, SYSTEMIC engages with stakeholders, organizes events, and contributes to education by involving PhD students and offering training in food security and sustainability. It promotes sustainable practices in agriculture and public health, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, and Partnerships for the Goals.
The project's approach fosters collaboration across eight European countries, enhancing transnational cooperation in food system innovation. SYSTEMIC’s research impacts areas like climate adaptation, sustainable diets, and food security, laying the groundwork for future applications in these fields.
Securing sufficient and healthy food for all, while minimizing environmental impact is the great challenge we face already today. Local production limits and global trade challenge equal access to food. With climate change increasingly affecting food production in areas, which are already disadvantaged, unprecedented population (especially in urban and coastal areas) and income growth and deterioration of usable land, these challenges will intensify. We need a holistic approach to transform the global food production system with the ability to adapt to regional necessities. The SYSTEMIC network (an integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: adaptive and mitigatory strategies to address climate change and malnutrition) will bring together scientists and practitioners from different disciplines and expertise on different parts of the food system to explore cross-cutting solutions, identify knowledge gaps and develop pathways for a food system transformation, which is climate-resilient and able to cope with societal challenges.
While the information on policies and technologies that would enhance productivity and sustainability of individual agricultural sectors is available to some extent, literature is practically devoid of information and experiences for countries and communities considering a comprehensive approach (cross-sectoral policies, strategies, and technologies) to sustainable food and agriculture. This project is the first effort to fill this gap, providing information on proven options and opportunities that provides sustainable, resilient, and nutritional food from both land and sea. The SYSTEMIC project idea is based on researchers from 41 research groups working in eight countries by creating a network for a better understanding of food and nutrition security in a changing environment.