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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2

System optimisation and stress testing in co-simulations

Alternativ tittel: Systemoptimering og stresstesting i kosimuleringer

Tildelt: kr 12,0 mill.




2023 - 2027


I prosjektet OptiStress skal vi utforske nye metoder for optimalisering og stresstesting i skipsdesign. Målet er å bidra til å gjøre fremtidens skip sikrere, grønnere og mer kapable. Et moderne skip er et komplekst stykke ingeniørkunst. Enten det utfører installasjoner med millimeterpresisjon på tusen meters dyp eller høye løft i høye bølger, så avhenger resultatet av et samspill mellom et bredt spekter av komponenter – fra tungt maskineri til presise instrumenter og avanserte kontrollsystemer. Det er svært utfordrende å designe og bygge et slikt skip, spesielt med tanke på at det ofte er snakk om skreddersydde design som kun bygges i ett eksemplar. Man har med andre ord ingen prototyper å teste på. I tillegg har man organisatoriske utfordringer som følger av at så mange ulike aktører er involvert i å levere ulike komponenter, hver av dem et komplekst system i seg selv. Industrien har i økende grad tatt i bruk kosimulering som en måte å håndtere disse utfordringene på. Kosimulering gjør det mulig for flere aktører å samarbeide om å lage en simulert representasjon av et skip – en virtuell prototype. I OptiStress skal vi studere hvordan kosimulering kan brukes i samspill med numeriske optimaliseringsmetoder for å automatisk finne frem til gode designvalg. For eksempel kan man tenke seg å bruke dette til å finne den kombinasjonen av kraftsystemer og propulsjonssystemer som vil sette skipet i stand til å gjennomføre bestemte operasjoner med lavest mulige utslipp. Vi skal også forske på kosimuleringsbaserte metoder for automatisk stresstesting av foreslåtte skipsdesign. Her er tanken å simulere skipet i ekstreme eller uvanlige situasjoner for å avdekke svakheter og brudd på sikkerhetskravene. Resultatene fra prosjektet forventes å bidra til sikrere og mer miljøvennlige skip, bedre og mer effektive skipsdesignmetoder, enklere samarbeid mellom industriaktører og, til syvende og sist, reduserte kostnader knyttet til skipsdesign og -bygging.

Norway has long been a world leader in maritime technology, but the world is changing fast, and major challenges threaten this position. Rapid innovation, new opportunities, and smarter and safer systems with higher efficiencies are needed, as the MAROFF work programme asserts. This necessitates a shift from a component perspective to a functionality perspective, which requires coordinated and unified action from a wide range of research and industry partners. And it requires a new set of tools to meet the increasingly stricter regulations and technological demands. During the last years, the maritime industry has started using co-simulation successfully to boost digital collaboration and innovation based on existing investments and knowledge. Yet, several technical challenges remain standing in our way and collaboration is inhibited by a lack of tools and methodologies for efficiently evaluating and improving the entire system, early, in the design process. With this project, we aim to tackle these inhibitors of rapid digital innovation head on by drawing on the knowledge and the skills acquired over the past decade. We seek to develop methods and tools for performing system optimisation and stress testing with entire systems and specific operations based on co-simulations. To ensure high interactivity and value creation, several key partners from academia and the industry are committed and eager to contribute. HD Hyundai wants to join the project as a partner. HD Hyundai Europe R&D Center (ERC) is a research institute located in Düsseldorf, Germany, founded in 2023. The center is 100% owned by HD Korea Ship Building and Offshore Engineering (KSOE) which also owns all the shipyards in HD Hyundai group. HD KSOE is very active and has rich experience in using digital twin or co-simulation for commissioning and sea trial of the vessels built in the shipyards. Their main products include deep-sea vessels, engines, gas handling systems for LNG and other alternative fuels, electric power systems, automation systems such as integrated automation systems, navigation systems and autonomous systems. They believe that their expertise and experience can provide various inputs to the use case(s) for stress testing and optimization of various systems within the project scope of OptiStress. They have participated in the OSP project from the beginning and are utilizing co-simulations through Simulation Trust Center provided by DNV. Kevin Koosup Yum, a former SINTEF Ocean employee now emplyed in HD Hyundai, has been the main developer of Integrated Simulation sandBox (ISB), a software intended used in OptiStress for various research purposes. Therefore, Kevin can directly contribute to organizing the use case(s) using ISB. Even though there will be no plan to develop ISB further in this project, he can develop a methodology to link the methodology developed in other WPs with the ISB so that the users can have direct access to the methodology. The main contribution will be in-kind in the form of hours that may be up to 200 hours per year. Most of it will be used for the use case(s) (work-package 1), and a part of it could be used for integrating the methodology to ISB. HD Hyundai believes in open innovation where different parties collaborate bringing their best part to the development and speed it up. Stress testing and optimization using co-simulation will be a new area for them where they can find the use of co-simulation in a broader application. They also believe combining their experience and the existing project partners' knowledge will create a good synergy resulting in excellent results in the OptiStress project. In summary, HD Hyundai expects to contribute to the project with about 200 hours each year, mainly focusing on the use-case(s) in the project, software development and ISB.


MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offsh-2